Improvised Poetry

I finally made it to college,
But I have no clue about finances.
So I think I'll just keep going to college
And pounce upon all of my chances. (to make money, of course)

I really like to play my guitar
I've fulfilled all of my practice time so far
Eleven hours a week
Perfection I seek
But Segovia's level is still afar. (but getting there is half the fun, right?)

I think about stuff all the time
But it's different stuff every time.
For example, I think that next time
I should try a lot harder to rhyme. (that is, and use more words than just "time")

I really wish I had time to play soccer
But I have to make money, you see
So I go to work and cut grass instead
Because I want to graduate debt-free. (although chances of that are looking slim)

I think I did awesome on my mid-terms
One teacher calls them "extensive questionairres"
I thought most of them easy
Although a couple made me pull out my hair. (my Basic Music Liturature test was crazy long)

Computers are funny
So is free verse poetry
Like, one thing they have in common, is that
Besides not making sense
I'd really love to take a lawn mower to this machine. (told you it didn't make sense)

I only have but a minute
Before classes my name do call
So I leave you with this last salutation
Peace, and God's Blessings to all.